Size: 58,5 x 42,5 cm.
Read moreThis painting of Denis Calvaert repeats the work of Lorenzo Sabattini, which was given to Pope Gregory III and now can be seen in the Louvre, but with minor changes. Calvaert worked in Sabatini’s workshop in Bologna and this might be one of his first artworks as an independent artist. He is one of the […]
Read moreThis portrait depicts Camilla Martelli, the second wife of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo I, before the wedding. Camilla Martelli belonged to one of the most distinguished families of the Florentine aristocracy. The daughter of Antonio Martelli and Fatima Soderini, she was considered one of the most beautiful women in Florence. She became Cosimo’s […]
Read moreThis portrait, which dates back to the last decade of the XVIth century, depicts a man with remarkably graying hair and beard, who is sitting in a richly decorated armchair and holding a lemon in his right hand. Most likely, it indicates that it belongs to the Venetian School of Fruttaroli (in particular, to the […]
Read moreThe painting is an image of a young man in a three-quarter turn. He is dressed in the fashion of the end of the XVI – beginning of the XVII century. He is leaning on a table with a tablecloth and a gold desk clock on it. A view of a noble person’s palace is […]
Read moreRomulus, the founder of Rome, is portrayed in this painting. The painting is part of the famous collection of prominent people’s portraits, which has been hanging in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence since 1587. These portraits are copies of the “Giovio Series” ordered by the humanist Paolo Giovio for his Museo di Giovio a Borgovico […]
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